9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: son of a provincial governor in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: an attempt to escape from Bulgaria
2.5 years under arrest and in a camp
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
<p>3 years under arrest, in a camp and prisons Offense: Agrarian, member of the opposition</p>
3 years and 1 month under arrest and in a prison
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: son of a provincial governor in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: an attempt to escape from Bulgaria
2.5 years under arrest and in a camp
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
<p>3 years under arrest, in a camp and prisons Offense: Agrarian, member of the opposition</p>
3 years and 1 month under arrest and in a prison
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
of the Belene camp
4 years and 4 months in labor camps
Offense: anarchist
9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: son of a provincial governor in the Kingdom of Bulgaria
42 days in а camp
Offense: "hooligan", son of a member of the opposition
9 months under arrest and in a camp
Offense: an attempt to escape from Bulgaria
2.5 years under arrest and in a camp
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
<p>3 years under arrest, in a camp and prisons Offense: Agrarian, member of the opposition</p>
3 years and 1 month under arrest and in a prison
Offense: participant in the anti-communist resistance
През 1964 г. наред с политически затворници, Жеко Стоянов е амнистиран и освободен от старозагорския затвор. Налага се да се препитава с тежък физически труд – хамалин, бояджия, миньор. В продължение на 22 години работи в подземните рудници.
След промените в България през 1989 г. Жеко Стоянов става част от политическия живот, а през 1997 г. е избран за народен представител от Обединените демократични сили (ОДС). На 60 годишна възраст се дипломира като икономист.
През целия си живот той остава символ на съпротивата срещу репресивния режим и на непреклонния дух за свобода.