Stop on the tour
Another place of interest
Statue of
Pope John Paul II
Belene NPP
Riverside Park
The building of the
Municipality of Belene
Start here: The Nativity
of the Blessed Virgin
Mary Catholic Church/Shrine
of Eugene Bosilkov
Site 1 of
Belene Camp
Site 3 of
Belene Camp –
Dairy Farm
Site 2 of
Belene Camp -
best preserved
part (3D)
Hooligan Barracks (3D)
Predela Island –
Persina Nature Park
Roman customs house
Shturetsa Island
(Site 4)
Women's Camp
Magaretsa Island –
Belene Location
The town Belene is situated on the Danube, 64 km north-east of the provincial center, Pleven. Travel distance by car to Belene from: Sofia – 220 km, Plovdiv – 350 km, Varna – 275 km, Burgas – 325 km, Ruse – 109 km. You can find places to eat and stay in Belene here
Our suggestions for places to visit in Belene
This is our selection of the 11 most important and attractive sites in Belene and the nearby islands. These are indicated by the white dots on the map below. You can visit them virtually, by clicking on the dots in the interactive map, or visit them in person. Eight of the sites are connected to the history of the Belene camp, and three are local landmarks. When selecting each of the white dots, you will get detailed and visually appealing information about each site. The numbering of the sites is thematic. They can be viewed virtually or visited in person in a different order.
You can organize your visit yourselves.
Our recommendation for visiting the island is to ask for assistance from a local guide. There is a working prison located on Persin Island and in order to visit it, you need to seek permission from the Ministry of Justice. The guide will organize the necessary permissions on your behalf. They will also organize a boat trip to other places on the nearby islands. To book a tour with a guide, click on the “Book a tour” button below.
Our tours
For your convenience, together with the local guides we have developed three tours and combinations between them that include almost all the featured sites. You can make your selection based on your interests and the time you will have available. You will pay the fee for your visit directly to your guide. The Sofia Platform Foundation will not receive any funds from your visit to Belene.
Short Tour
The short tour will take you to the main sites related to the history of the Belene labor camp (Camp sites 1, 2 and 3). The tour will also introduce you to part of the Persina Nature Park and its incredible biodiversity as well as The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic church, which was built in 1860. The tour will take about 2 – 2.5 hours. It starts from the Catholic church, where there is parking available and a drinking water fountain. To see the full itinerary, please click on the Short tour button below. If you want to find out more information about the sites featured in this tour, please click on the white dots on the interactive map.
Price: BGN 35 per person (free for children under 10)



Long Tour
The long tour builds on the short tour and includes two additional stops – the Dimum ancient Roman customs house and the so-called Hooligan Barracks from the Belene camp system. Тhe tour will take 3 to 4 hours. It starts from the Catholic church, where there is parking available and a drinking water fountain. To see the full itinerary, please click on the Long tour button below. If you want to find out more information about the sites featured in this tour, please click on the white dots on the interactive map.
Price: BGN 40 per person (free for children under the age of 10)



Boat tour
This tour will allow you to experience some of the Danube islands around Belene by boat. The tour includes the islands of Magarets and Persin which are part of the Persina Nature Park and the former labor camp. The tour will take 1 to 2 hours. It starts from the beach in front of the Prestige Hotel. Please note that visitors below the age of 18 need to be accompanied by a parent, guardian or a teacher. To see the full itinerary, please click on the Boat tour button below. If you want to find out more information about the sites featured in this tour, please click on the white dots on the interactive map.
Price: BGN 130 per boat (one boat accommodates up to 3 persons, in addition to the captain)
Book a tour
With support from